Wise Men of the East
Scripture References
Bible Dictionary, Wise Men of the East
Matt. 2:1–12 states that wise men (how many is not recorded), guided by a new star, came to Bethlehem to worship Jesus sometime after His birth. Who these men were we are not told, but it is certain they were not ordinary men. That they were privileged to search out the Son of God and give Him gifts, and that they were spiritually sensitive and knowledgeable, suggests that they were actually prophets on a divine errand. The customary identification of them as astrologers is a gross misrepresentation. They evidently were holy men from a land east of Palestine. See also Magi.
Bible Dictionary, Magi
Called “wise men” (Matt. 2:1). Their identification is not made known in the scriptures, but it is certain that they were righteous men sent on an errand to witness the presence of the Son of God on the earth. Their spiritual capacity is evident: They saw the star, knew its meaning, brought gifts to the young child, and were warned of God in a dream to return to their home by a safe route. Their knowledge was precise and accurate. It seems likely that they were representatives of a branch of the Lord’s people from somewhere east of Palestine, who had come, led by the Spirit, to behold the Son of God and who returned to their people to bear witness that the king Immanuel had indeed been born in the flesh. We are not told how many wise men there were, but tradition usually speaks of three, because of the three gifts of gold, myrrh, and frankincense. If they were serving in the capacity of witnesses, there would of necessity have been two or three. See also Wise Men of the East.
Latter-day Prophets
Bruce R. McConkie (Q12)
“To suppose they were members of the apostate religious cult of the Magi of ancient Media and Persia is probably false. Rather, it would appear they were true prophets, righteous persons like Simeon, Anna, and the shepherds to whom Deity revealed that the promised Messiah had been born among men” (DNTC 1:103).
Official Statements (empty)
Talks and Other Resources
Church News, "Today, 'wise men seek him still,'" by R. Scott Lloyd, 21 Dec 1996
Book of Mormon Central, "Why Did the Wise Men Give Jesus God, Frankincense, and Myrrh?" 21 Dec 2017