Simpleness of the Way

D. Todd Christofferson (Quorum of the Twelve)

For our own efforts in the Lord’s cause to succeed in our stakes and wards and homes, it will be important to keep things as simple as possible. Complex approaches that require excessive time and means are not sustainable. We can’t confuse busyness and tasks with spiritual growth and conversion. (Utah Area Training Video, 2022)

Gary E. Stevenson (Quorum of the Twelve)

It has been said that the gospel of Jesus Christ is “simply beautiful and beautifully simple.”5 The world is not. It is complicated, complex, and filled with turmoil and strife. We are blessed as we exercise care not to allow complexity, so common in the world, to enter into the way we receive and practice the gospel.

President Dallin H. Oaks observed: “We are taught many small and simple things in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to be reminded that in total and over a significant period of time, those seemingly small things bring to pass great things.”6 Jesus Christ Himself describes that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.7 We should all strive to keep the gospel simple—in our lives, in our families, in our classes and quorums, and in our wards and stakes. ("Simply Beautiful–Beautifully Simple," October 2021 General Conference)