What is the Priesthood?

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Handbook 2: Administering the Church

The priesthood is the power and authority of God. It has always existed and will continue to exist without end (see Alma 13:7–8; D&C 84:17–18). Through the priesthood, God created and governs the heavens and the earth. Through this power, He exalts His obedient children, bringing to pass “the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39; see also D&C 84:35–38).

In mortality, the priesthood is the power and authority that God gives to man to act in all things necessary for the salvation of God’s children. The blessings of the priesthood are available to all who receive the gospel. (Handbook 2: Administering the Church, 2, published 2010)

Joseph F. Smith (President)

What is the Priesthood? It is nothing more nor less than the power of God delegated to man by which man can act in the earth for the salvation of the human family, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, and act legitimately; not assuming that authority, not borrowing it from generations that are dead and gone, but authority that has been given in this day ... by which they may baptize for the remission of sins and lay on hands for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and by which they can remit sin, with the sanction and blessing of Almighty God. It is the same power and Priesthood that was committed to the disciples of Christ while He was upon the earth; that whatsoever they should bind on earth should be bound in heaven, and whatsoever they should loose on earth should be loosed in heaven, and whomsoever they should bless should be blessed, and if they cursed, in the spirit of righteousness and meekness before God, God would confirm that curse. (Conference Report, October 1904, p. 97)

John Taylor (President)

What is priesthood?... I shall briefly answer that it is the government of God, whether on the earth or in the heavens, for it is by that power, agency, or principle that all things are upheld governed on the earth and in the heavens, and by that power that all things are upheld and sustained. It governs all things, it directs all things, it sustains all things, and has to do with all things that God and truth are associated with. It is the power of God delegated to intelligences in the heavens and to men on the earth. (The Gospel Kingdom, p. 128)

Brigham Young (President)

If anybody wants to know what the Priesthood of the Son of God is, it is the law by which the worlds are, were, and will continue for ever and ever. It is that system which brings worlds into existence and peoples them, gives them their revolutions--their days, weeks, months, years, their seasons and times and by which they are rolled up as a scroll, as it were, and go into a higher state of existence. (Discourses of Brigham Young, p.130)

George Q. Cannon (First Presidency)

What is that power? It is the Priesthood of the Son of God. It is the power by which all things were created and are held in their place. Shall I startle you when I say that our Father himself controls the universe and occupies His exalted station because of the Priesthood? Whether it is startling or not, it is nevertheless true. Our Eternal Father is the creator of all things through the power of the everlasting Priesthood--that Priesthood which has been bestowed upon and exercised by the servants of God in our day....

It is a well authenticated and indisputable fact that God never had a people on the earth in any age whom He recognized as His peculiar people without having in their midst those who had the authority and the right to officiate in His name. They were the bearers of His Priesthood--the recipients of the power which He bestows to enable man to act in His stead and to transact that which was necessary to be transacted to fit and prepare His people to enter into His presence....

Their words, while acting in this capacity, were as the words of God unto the people--salvation, honor and heaven's approving smiles being bestowed upon those who obeyed them, and destruction, dishonor and heavenly disapprobation following those who disobeyed; God continually manifesting His determination to honor Himself by honoring those to whom He had delegated a portion of His power. (Gospel Truth, p.167)